Te Ao Māori

He Mihi
Tuia ki te rangi
Tuia ki te whenua
Tuia ki te moana
Tuia te here tangata
E rongo te pō, e rongo te ao

Bind the tapestry of life which affirms humanity’s connection to the natural world. To the celestial realm, to the earthly realm, to water – the sustenance for all life forms, and, to remember to keep everything in ‘balance’.

Read Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri – Auckland’s Climate Action Plan

Te ao Māori (the Māori world view) provides essential insight for re-thinking the way each of us live in Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland. 

“The tools to help us change our behaviour are where we left them. They are in our pūrākau (stories) and whakataukī (proverbs). The stories and legends about the relationships that bind us to the natural world, of our dependencies and vulnerabilities, our position and role as caretakers and kaitiaki. The language we use and what we tell ourselves and others is important. The stories and narratives we share with each other and the values and meanings they carry weigh on us and shape us. They shape who we are, what we value, and the choices we make. This behavior then influences the behavior of those near to us, and those near to them.”

Read Te Anga Oranga o Te Ora o Tāmaki Makaurau

Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri is a deeply cultural narrative embedded in place-based Māori knowledge-systems of Tāmaki Makaurau. It speaks of climate change as a manifestation of the struggles of our tupuna Atua Tāwhirimātea (primal ancestor associated with weather), in response to human behaviour.

It calls for a whakapapa-centred approach and reconnection with how Māori lived in the past - with an inherent understanding that we must consider our relationship as part of te taiao (the environment) in every decision we make. Our kaitiakitanga (guardianship) responsibilities require us to ‘keep well’ the reciprocal relationships between people, place, nature, and the wider universe.

Te Ora ō Tāmaki Makaurau: The wellbeing of Tāmaki Makaurau must be at the forefront of our approach to climate change.

Climate action is about caring for whakapapa (genealogical) relationships. Honouring our connection with ngā Atua Māori (primal ancestors), tūpuna (ancestors) and generations to come - Mai ngā tūpuna ki ngā mokopuna.

Climate action is about protecting and regenerating the mauri (life essence) of our treasured taonga - awa (rivers), moana (oceans), maunga (mountains), and taonga species, for present and future generations. This intergenerational approach requires us to recalibrate our relationship with time (te wā). It requires us to recalibrate as part of nature. It requires us to be a good ancestor.

Valuing indigenous knowledge and ways of being provides a pathway for this necessary shift. A shift guided by Mātauranga Māori, informed by the thinking, lived experience and wisdom of our tūpuna. Knowledge, expertise and practices emerging over hundreds of years of observation and interaction with our elders, te taiao. Being conscious and tuning in with the Maramataka (Māori lunar calendar) is one way to explore and embrace this.

Live Lightly is here to awhi (support) climate action grounded in the values of whanaungatanga and manaakitanga – relationships of collaboration and reciprocal care.

Climate action which honours Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Climate action which is Papatūānuku-anchored, supporting balanced transformation together so that we all can thrive.

Play your part to allow Papatūānuku to regenerate herself.

Aroha atu, aroha mai – love received, love returned.


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