Māngere College

Sustainable Schools | 7 January 2025

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Decarbonising through the Ceiling

For Māngere College, the Mana Ora programme added an extra boost to their social sciences teaching and learning programme. Indeed, experienced teacher Aidyn Rasmussen found a way to integrate the Climate Action Fund application process in a Level 3 NCEA Education for Sustainability standard.

Standard 90828 is worth six credits and is called “Evaluate a personal action that contributes towards a sustainable future.” While this assignment can be adapted by teachers to fit different contexts, Aidyn invited his class to work in small groups to plan, carry out, and evaluate an action that would contribute towards Māngere College’s sustainability. Students had some class-time to work on their projects and were expected to complete them for homework. Key to passing the assessment was personal reflection on their contributions to group work, and an evaluation of their project’s impact.  

Aidyn caught wind of the Mana Ora programme while his class was getting started on their planning. Excited about the potential of making more impact with external funding, he encouraged two student groups with similar ideas to merge and supported them to apply for a grant.

The combined team named their project proposal “Decarbonising through the ceiling”. In their grant application, they proposed to upgrade the lighting in a block of classrooms from fluorescent tubes to light emitting diodes (LEDs). They also planned to undertake monitoring to understand the energy and cost savings as well as the emissions reductions, and to share these with the senior leadership team.

We are aiming to bring an easy and effective way of reducing our school’s carbon footprint to the front of decision makers’ minds. EfS Students

After receiving their Mana Ora grant, the team researched the range of LED tube lights on the market and shared their recommendations with the school’s property committee. Once appropriate lights were identified and approved for purchase, it was time to get onto the installation. In addition to the original block of classrooms, new LED tubes were installed in a computer suite, and the new gym.

Ultimately, monitoring the energy savings fell outside the scope of the assignment due to time constraints. However, the students were able to learn about the anticipated kilowatt hour savings, as well as emissions savings, from their research process.

The new lights produce 80% less greenhouse gases, while achieving the same level of luminosity. LEDs can also last up to six times longer. EfS students

At the conclusion of the project, the students were delighted with the tangible contribution they had been able to make to the student experience as well as sustainability at Māngere College.

As one team member shared: “We are really happy with the outcome. All the classrooms which received the new lights are much brighter and have a better feel to them. The improved energy efficiency is great also.”

Another Year 13 rangatahi said, “The new bulbs make the computer suite a great place for learning”.

The students also shared their motivations to slow down climate change and play their part in decarbonisation.

“I want to make sure that in the near future our climate doesn't get worse than it already is … This is what basically empowers me to move on and continue this project. It’s just starting small and being able to know that we can make an impact somewhere.”

"Mana Ora empowered our students to take a can-do attitude to solve the challenges within the world around them. Our students are diverse and bring a range of perspectives and ideas on the world around them to the table and each student felt empowered to share who they are. Mana Ora has enabled our students to be conscientious citizens who have the skill set to positively impact the people around them for years to come. 
Aidyn Rasmussen, key teacher and Deputy Principal

Students successfully attained their NCEA qualifications and are currently at university. They will take their knowledge and passion for sustainability into future careers.


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