Eating sustainably in Tāmaki Makaurau is not only great for the planet but also a fantastic way to boost your health. When you choose plant-based foods, you're helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, conserve water, and preserve valuable ecosystems. The production of vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes requires significantly fewer resources compared to meat production. By opting for these foods, you're contributing to a more sustainable food system and supporting the planet's health. Plus, plant-based diets are packed with essential nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants that can improve your overall well-being, and boost your energy levels.

Live Lightly Website Eat Hero


The Compost Collective preview image

The Compost Collective

The Compost Collective are here to help you learn the basics of composting. Free workshops are taking place across Auckland.

Love Food Hate Waste preview image

Love Food Hate Waste

Every year Kiwis send 157,398 tonnes of food to landfill, all of which could have been eaten. Find tips and recipes to help you reduce your food waste.

Zero waste programmes preview image

Zero waste programmes

Learn about reducing the amount of waste you create and help prevent pollution and protect the environment.

Calculate your carbon footprint preview image

Calculate your carbon footprint

Take 5 minutes to find out your carbon footprint with FutureFit and see how you compare to others.

Eat more
plant-based meals

Did you know the biggest contributor to New Zealand’s carbon footprint is agriculture? The science tells us that one of the most effective ways of reducing our carbon emissions is shifting to a plant rich diet. Increasing plant-based meal options, or swapping out red meat for chicken or pork in some meals, can make a huge difference to your carbon footprint, and your wallet.

Live Lightly Website Eat Plant Based (1)

Try one plant-based meal a week

Having a plant-based meal can make a big difference for your health and the health of our planet. Swapping out red meat for vegetable or legume alternatives can offer numerous health benefits and help you take action against climate change by reducing your carbon footprint and helping you conserve precious environmental resources.

Take this action and you could save 73 kg of CO2e emissions per year - that's like running 39 compact florescent light bulbs non stop for 45 days.

Nadia Lim Vegetarian

Nadia's plant-based recipes

Try these examples of easy and delicious plant-based main meals that are vegful and healthy - by Nadia Lim.

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Best vegetarian restaurants in Tāmaki Makaurau

When it comes to plant-based eating, there’s an increasing local scene dedicated to vegetable-focused fare — checkout this list from Denizen.

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A Loving Community Of Compassionate Eaters

Plant-based New Zealand recipes

Are you wondering what to prepare for your next plan-based meal? Try one of these plant-based recipes from Vegetarians New Zealand.

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Go dairy free one day a week

With the majority of New Zealand’s emissions coming from agriculture, predominantly the production of red meat and dairy products, a great option to Live Lightly is reducing your dairy intake just a little. Plenty of top chefs such as Nadia Lim are leading the way on this, with dairy free recipes so tasty you won’t notice they’re dairy free.

Your action could save 47 kg of CO2e emissions per year - that's like burning 22 kg of coal. 

Dairy free chocolate ganache recipe

This chocolate ganache cake is such a winner.

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Different Dinners

Different Dinners Recipe Booklet Vol.1

We've teamed up with the Diabetes Foundation Aotearoa to bring you delicious, plant-based recipes

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Different Dinners Recipe Booklet Vol.2

We've teamed up with the My Food Bag to bring you delicious, plant-based recipes

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food waste

Reducing food waste can be both fun and rewarding! Imagine keeping an extra $560 in your pocket each year—yes, that's how much the average New Zealand family wastes on food cooked but never eaten. Cutting down on food waste is a win-win for your wallet and the planet! By taking some simple steps, you’ll enjoy fresher, more delicious meals every day. Happy cooking and saving!

Live Lightly Website Eat Reduce Waste

Love your leftovers to reduce food waste

If you have leftovers, take them for lunch the next day. It will save you time in the morning before you rush out the door, and it will save you money as well.  It is important to refrigerate your leftovers to keep them safe, or if you aren’t going to eat them the following day, then freeze them.

Manage your leftovers

Leftovers often get pushed to the back of the fridge, because we don’t feel like eating them, or simply forget about them - find out ways to reduce your leftover waste.

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Lovely Leftovers

Leftovers are the second most wasted food item in New Zealand - but with a little bit of love they can be even better the second time around.

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Don't let fruit go to waste

There are plenty of options to reduce wasted fruit – buy misshapen fruit from the supermarket, preserve your own fruit, share what you’ve grown, and if you want to find fruit free anywhere in Auckland, check out this map

Free open street pantries

The Pātaka Kai Open Street Pantry Movement encourages co-sharing between neighbours to strengthen communities. Take what you need and leave what you can, it's that simple.

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Get a Wonky Box

Rescued fruit and veg from local growers hat doesn’t always meet the strict criteria of supermarkets delivered straight to your door.

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How to bottle fruit

Love Food Hate Waste provide a step-by-step guide to preserving and bottling your fresh fruit - it is really easy, so give it a go.

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Plan all dinners for the week, and buy only what you need for them

Sound a bit daunting? Start by planning just a few dinners in advance and shop little and often, you’ll get to the point where it’s habit, and the forgotten food at the back of the fridge will be a thing of the past. You could also be saving $560 or more a year!

Your action could save 224 kg of CO2e per year - the equivalent embodied emissions from 954 large cappuccinos.

Plan meals and shopping list

Learn how planning your meals and making a shopping list are two easy ways to reduce your food waste – the less you buy, the less you waste.

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Take a Shopping List

Do you make a shopping list but then forget to take it with you? Check out these fun ideas for remembering your shopping list.

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Easy choice meal planners

These free seasonal meal plans from Love Food Hate Waste have all the info you need to prepare the family dinner for all four seasons.

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Compost your food scraps and garden waste

There are lots of great options for disposing of food scraps and garden waste other than the rubbish bin. The Compost Collective run free workshops across the region to help you decide between traditional composting, bokashi or worm farms.

Take this action and you could save 35 kg of CO2e emissions per year - that's like running the gas BBQ for 10 hours.

Join an online or in-person composting workshop

The Compost Collective are here to help you learn the basics of composting or build on the skills you already have.

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Recycle and share your foodscraps

If you don't have space to compost, ShareWaste connects people who want to share their green scraps with hosts who are already composting.

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Eat locally
and seasonally

Choosing your food carefully can make a big difference to your carbon footprint, as well as support local communities and increase community resilience. By shopping locally you are also helping to reduce food miles – the distance food has to travel (and so energy used) to get from farm to plate. Sourcing more food locally and in season, either by shopping locally or growing your own is a great place to start.

Live Lightly Website Eat Locally And Seasonally

Shop for food at your local farmers market

There are plenty of reasons to shop at your local market – fresh food, supporting local producers, reducing food miles, and getting amongst the local market vibe. Find your local market at Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland - a perfect one-stop guide to the markets across Auckland.

Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland

Discover where to find fresh local produce, farmers markets, night markets and artisan markets near you.

Find markets near you

Auckland For Kids

A market is a great place to engage your kids with your local food system, and encourage planet-friendly eating.

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Shed Collective plant-based market

Weekly plant-based farmers' market with diverse local spray-free produce and artisanal products, Saturdays 9 - 1pm.

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Buy New Zealand seasonal fruit and vegetables

Taking the time to check the labels on those oranges and choosing the New Zealand version makes a big difference. 

By buying in-season New Zealand grown fruit and vegetables you could save 30 kg of CO2e emissions per year. That's is equivalent to 1.8 times the average waste one person sends to landfill each year.

5+ A Day

If you’re not sure what’s currently in season, 5+ a Day have put together a handy chart of New Zealand produce and when it’s in season.

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Get free printable seasonal availability posters, leaflets, recipe cards and pads, booklet and easy meals with vegetables flyers.

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Plant a fruit tree in your backyard, community garden, or shared space

Fruit tree growing guide

This growing guide from Tui will help you grow fruit tress from pots on your balcony to creating your own mini-orchard.

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Best fruit trees for Auckland

Auckland Botanical Gardens provide a great guide to planting the best fruit trees in Tāmaki Makaurau and how to do so successfully.

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Keep chickens to provide eggs for your household

For your own supply of lovely fresh eggs, all you need is three square metres of spare backyard on a property smaller than 2,000 square metres, plus space for a coop. Interested in taking the first step?

Beginner’s guide to keeping chickens

Check out Good Magazine’s beginner guide to keeping chickens and start a happy back garden flock of your own.

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Animal Management Bylaw

Auckland Council has clear guidelines about keeping chickens in the Animal Management Bylaw.

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Best environment for backyard chickens

The SPCA has outlined how to provide a good environment for your backyard chickens.

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There are so many benefits to eating plant-based foods preview image

"It often surprises people how delicious plant-based foods are."

Nicki, Piha, Auckland
Living plant-based: eating for the planet preview image

"Living a plant-based lifestyle isn’t just a trend, the environment is my drive for taking action."

Jackson, Mairangi Bay, Auckland
Keren's Journey: inspiring sustainability at school preview image

"It's about encouraging our children to use their feet to come to school, have a waste-free lunch, and to really empower them to take social action out there in the world."

Keren, Auckland
Richard's sustainable living: a blueprint for the future preview image

"Making good use of energy involves simple changes."

Richard, Auckland


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