Priorities for 2024/2025 are Transport, Food, Energy and Māori-led projects.
What can be applied for
Response grants (OPEN NOW)
($1,000 - $15,000) seek to grow community participation in climate action or amplify existing community action, particularly among under-served communities such as youth, Pacific peoples, marae and rangatahi. Response grants are one-off grants open to a range of groups particularly those who have not previously engaged with climate action activity or are rapidly building capacity in this area. For more information on response grants

Strategic Grants (Open August 2025)
($15,000 - $50,000) support programmes and activities aligning with one or more priority activity themes (Transport, Food, Energy, or Māori-led) with tangible or clearly quantifiable emissions reduction and/or resilience outcomes. Strategic grants will be expected to have more significant impacts than response grants. They could potentially be used to either expand best practice projects or develop innovative new responses to the climate challenge. For 2024/2025 strategic grants will be single-year grants. For more information on strategic grants
For more information on the eligibility criteria and exclusions, please refer to the Auckland Climate Grant guidelines
Applicant support
We are holding a range of funding workshops and drop-in sessions will be held during the upcoming funding round to answer your questions and assist with the application process. Additional workshops and drop-in sessions will be added to this list during the funding round. To access support please email
Funding round dates
Response Grants
Opening date |
Closing date |
Funding decisions |
Round Two |
3 March 2025 |
31 March 2025 |
May 2025 |
Strategic Grants
Opening date |
Closing date |
Funding decisions |
Date |
Location |
Registration |
Drop-in sessions
Drop-in sessions are an opportunity to ask questions about your project and seek help with the application process. Please register for these sessions to receive the online link.
Date |
Location |
Registration |
31 March 2025 |
Online |
2021 / 2022 Auckland Climate Grant Recipients
Applicant | Website / Social Media | Project | Description | Funding |
Whenua Warrior Charitable Trust | Website |
#projectSouthSide600 | This project aims to build 600 edible gardens in the back of South Auckland homes. The Whenua Warrior Charitable Trust transport materials, build a garden box and teach the family from the back of the home. | $36,000 |
Tamaki WRAP | Website |
Tamaki Urban Market Garden | This project will establish a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) model organic market garden providing nutrient-dense food to the community. | $20,000 |
Sport Waitakere (Healthy Families Waitakere) | Website |
West Auckland Urban Farming Feasibility Study | This project intends to identify and assess sites that could be considered for regenerative urban farms across the three West Auckland Local Boards area. | $32,000 |
Re-Creators Charitable Trust | Website |
Upcycled Gardening for Communities | The project will support the ReCreators to develop upcycled gardening classes to teach the community DIY resilience skills. | $20,000 |
Kelmarna Community Garden Trust | Website |
Regenerative market garden, growing local food through Community Supported Agriculture | This project aims to create a new market garden space in one of Kelmarna’s paddocks, as part of our wider paddock redevelopment project. | $25,000 |
Otahuhu College Board of Trustees | Website |
Otahuhu College Community Garden Project | This project aims to set up a community garden on the bones of a derelict horticulture area. The garden will allow students to learn the basics of gardening and to study horticultural science. | $8,000 |
Sustainable Papakura | Website |
Papakura Foraging Tours | This project aims to build on the existing 24 planters throughout Papakura Town Centre demonstrating how we can grow our own food sustainably in urban environments. | $5,000 |
Applicant | Website / Social Media | Project | Description | Funding |
Whakaupoko (West Franklin) Landcare | Green Trails - Connecting Communities - Creating biodiversity corridors | This project will coordinate the development of a region wide Green Trails Plan that safely connects all communities in Franklin, communities to the north, communities to the south in the Waikato and all public transport hubs. | $38,000 | |
EcoMatters Environment Trust | Website |
Community Bike Hub expansion | This project seeks to expand the Ecomatters Environment Trust network of community Bike Hubs further across Auckland. The existing three Bike Hubs offer free access to tools and advice on bike maintenance as well as access to restored bikes and parts. | $26,000 |
Bike Avondale | "GO Bike Avondale GO" | This project will develop the '"GO Bike Avondale GO" existing volunteer led community biking group. Funding is sought to resource one dedicated crew member and guarantee programme funds to accelerate cycling. | $25,000 | |
The Community Builders NZ Trust | Website | Wheels and Wellbeing | This project aims to support the development of bike burbs in communities. This would be led and championed by local residents to promote and encourage sustainable living through increasing biking. | $31,000 |
Applicant | Website / Social Media | Project | Description | Funding |
The Auckland King Tides Initiative | Website |
Auckland King Tides Initiative Live Lightly School/Community Workshop Delivery | This project aims to co-design and deliver community workshops with Year 7-9 students and staff supporting the Auckland King Tides website and social media platform and water level (tide) gauge network that can be monitored by local communities. | $36,000 |
Tread Lightly Charitable Trust | Website |
Tread Lightly Caravan 2022 | This project will support the Tread Lightly Charitable Trust to achieves its vision to “Inspire New Zealanders to live sustainably” through the Tread Lightly Caravan (TLC) - mobile environmental classrooms | $32,000 |
Kaipatiki Project Incorporated | Website |
Sustainable Living Community Education & Engagement | Kaipātiki Project is a trusted and innovative leader in the sustainable living and environment sector, with well-established partnerships and collaborations across the region. | $25,000 |
The Community Collective | Sustainable Living Festival: Community Power and Climate Action | This project aims to deliver a month-long sustainable living and climate change festival focused on showcasing local strengths and existing organisations, local activities and environmental champions | $20,000 |
2022 / 2023 Auckland Climate Grant Recipients
Applicant | Website / Social Media | Project | Description | Funding |
Envirokiwi Community Enterprise | Website | Sustainable power system for Aotea Community Resource Recovery Centre - Anamata | This project seeks to install a solar power system to enable services at Anamata. The system is designed to meet Anamata’s current goals, and to be expandable to meet future needs and opportunities. It will expand recycling and waste resource recovery initiatives on Aotea, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and build community resilience to the impacts of climate change through a more sustainable, circular economy model. In addition, once the system is paid off, it will free up resources currently spent on diesel to offer additional services to support community resilience to climate change and reduced dependence on fossil fuel use. | $20,000 |
Matuku Reserve Trust | Website | Power to the Plant People | This project seeks to investigate costs and technical requirements for the number of solar panels (max 10KW) and battery size needed to generate emission-free energy to support Matuku Reserve project’s use, two or three public EV chargers (Type2) and providing power (warmth, phone/laptop charging, light, wifi, toilets, washing) at the Matuku Reserve Trust Sustainable Wetland Education Centre as a hub for the community in case of emergencies. | $20,000 |
EcoMatters Environment Trust | Website | Healthy Home Energy Education Workshops | This project provides people with self-support to save energy, by sharing knowledge and easy-to-implement devices for their homes. Workshops will help people live healthily and happily in their homes, while reducing their emissions, resulting in better outcomes for their whānau and the wider community. By visiting existing groups, this provides a support network of others in the workshop for motivation, ensuring the best opportunity to undertake the behavioural changes required. | $10,000 |
Restoring Takarunga Hauraki | Website |
Solar-powered rainwater irrigation system for Ngauteringaringa Community Nursery | This application seeks funding toward the design and installation of a solar-powered pump to use collected rainwater to irrigate native plant seedlings at our Ngauteringaringa Community Nursery (NCN).The solar pump would expand the nursery production from 3,000 to more than 50,000 seedlings per annum. The nursery site is without grid energy connections, this proposed project would allow us to continue to develop the site using only alternative zero-emission energy sources.During the planning and installation process, we would engage school communities by welcoming participation and learning, and the wider community through open-house workshops and coverage in the local and social media. | $5,000 |
Applicant | Website / Social Media | Project | Description | Funding |
Fair Food Trust | Website | Community connections through climate-friendly kai | This project expands Fair Food’s operations by supporting the collection and cooking of food over the weekend. Fair Food have the potential to collect and sort 700 kgs of food over each weekend and have a large demonstration kitchen with packaging equipment to safely make and distribute meals. By providing a ready-made meal with the recipe card (using simple pictures and translations) and kai to make it again, we reduce the mental load of getting started with an unfamiliar vegetable or recipe. Fair Food will use our existing volunteer and food recipient network to extend our reach within our West Auckland community. Fair Food already have deep relationships and conversations about kai, so bringing an understanding and comfort with using in-season produce and eating filling sustainable meals is a natural extension of their current role. Fair Food have the trusted relationships to talk about climate change and personal emissions in a positive and supportive way. |
$31,877 |
Rākau Tautoko Ltd | Website | Growing Kai Sovereignty through Mana Motuhake | This project seeks to support kai sovereignty through interconnected project components Mahi-a-Ringa and Wānanga. Mahi-a-Ringa: Working handsThis project component involves mentoring whānau to create vegetable gardens and chicken coops in their backyards or on their balconies. Wānanga: Dedicated spaces to gather and learnLearning about what it means for our communities to grow our own Kai Sovereignty is important in our journey to our own Mana Motuhake. Whānau wellbeing is interlinked with the connection that we have with our whenua and how we sustain our bodies. Alongside our Mahi-a-ringa work, Rākau Tautoko will run a series of wānanga to unpack what it means to grow our own indigenous Kai Sovereignty for our own communities. We will lean into Māori and Pasifika knowledge that will help to develop our understandings around traditional diets and how we can replicate them for ourselves while living in the city. |
$20,000 |
Awhi Mai Te Atatū under the umbrella of Community Waitākere | Awhi Mai Te Atatū - Growing as a Community | Awhi Mai Te Atatū - Growing as a Community is a community initiative focused around composting and growing kai. This project will support people to grow their own kai. Kaimahi/volunteers will work with a māra coordinator on the creation and maintenance of māra kai and learn by doing. Our vision is to build capacity and knowledge within our community, which can then be shared widely. | $10,000 | |
Sustainable North Trust T/A Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste | Website | Support for the Zero Waste Zero Carbon in Schools Programme | Hibiscus Coast Zero Waste seek funding to engage a facilitator to work outside the classroom across schools participating in the Zero Waste Zero Carbon programme to set up soil building carbon sinks within the schools to be used as school labs during school hours and parent teaching facilities outside school hours. This project provides students and the wider community information on the relationship between soil as the planets second largest carbon sink, the forms carbon takes in the soil, how using food scraps can build topsoil, which is a carbon sink, and the importance of mitigating climate change, Besides being a carbon sink, soil high in carbon (ie topsoil) acts as a buffer to the extremes of climate change - it is more drought resilient because it holds onto water better and infiltrates water more rapidly in extreme rainfall events. |
$15,000 |
Kaipātiki Project Incorporated | Website | Kaipātiki Project Teaching Garden | This project supports the operation of the Kaipātiki Teaching Garden & Food Forest. Our garden team facilitate three volunteer mornings each week, run educational workshops/courses and provide community outreach support programmes to other organisations/individuals in the process of establishing their own food gardens. Funding will support key roles to deliver and engage the community in local food growing programmes. |
$10,000 |
Kelmarna Community Garden Trust | Website | Enhancing and scaling our climate change education messaging | This project support Kelmarna to enhance focus on climate action messages. This will include an update of key messages and educational materials. New material will include information food, transport and energy action themes. As the largest urban farm in Auckland, Kelmarna have a unique opportunity to showcase and communicate the importance of regenerative farming practices in addressing climate change to NZ’s largest population base. | $13,000 |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Hoani Waititi Marae | Mātauranga Māra | This project supports the formation of a mātauranga māori, kaupapa māori food community, including regenerative agriculture for climate change mitigation; establishing a kai network across Auckland. | $14,300 | |
Stillwater Community Garden | Water Supply for the Stillwater Community Garden | The Stillwater Community Garden has been providing events and gardening workshops which connect the community, and share knowledge. Critically our community shares knowledge about growing food locally and provides an opportunity for people of all ages in the community to learn how to grow food in their backyard by growing food in the community garden. This grant will support a specific project to install a water supply by the garden. This will promote food resilience in our community, sharing knowledge about living lightly on the earth by growing food locally in our backyards, and growing resilient community connections. |
$1,300 | |
Auranga Residents’ Association | Website | Auranga community projects | Auranga is a new residential development located in Drury, South Auckland. At the moment, Auranga has 230 occupied houses and expect 3000 houses by the end of the development. This project supports various initiatives within the community including a community learning garden and school garden at Ngākōroa School | $2,000 |
For the Love of Bees | Website |
Tāmaki Makaurau Earthworker Online Mentoring & Targeted Centres of Restorative Learning.(CoRL) support | This project provides online mentoring and support to a network of 114 earthworkers across Tāmaki Makaurau and provide targeted support to the Ihumātao māra kai to become a Center of Restorative Learning. | $6,000 |
Karekare Landcare | Website |
Grow Karekare | This project seeks to create a community garden network at Karekare addressing food security issues highlighted during cyclone Gabrielle when multiple landslides cut off the access to Karekare. | $4,000 |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Kōtuku | Huringa Āhuarangi | This project includes the kura running Meat-free Friday, Āhuarangi wānanga and Kotahi Mano Rākau community orchard hui. As part of Meat-Free Friday the kura will be educating tamariki and whanau about the benefits of a vegetarian diet, changing our food suppliers to a vegetarian-only meals on Fridays and bringing whanau on board to eat meat-free meals on Friday. Āhuarangi wānanga will include tamariki to present their climate projects to the wider kura whanau. Through Kotahi Mano Rākau, the kura would like to support the community to become more resilient and to grow more kai locally, thus reducing our carbon footprints and allowing communities to mahitahi/ work together for the benefit of the community. We will host a hui at our kura to introduce our concept of Kotahi Mano Rākau – 1,000 fruit and rongoa trees planted at whānau homes. |
$3,000 | |
Oak and Thistle Ltd | Website |
Seasonal Plant Based Meals for Climate Change | The project covers the delivery of community workshops on creating seasonal and affordable plant-based meals. Workshops will be held across Auckland teaching people easy recipes and tips to make small changes. | $3,000 |
Applicant | Website / Social Media | Project | Description | Funding |
Bike Avondale | GO Bike Avondale GO | GO Bike Avondale GO is a continuation of a successful grassroots programme in Avondale to enable people of all ages and ability to experience the joys of cycling.This project involves: - Coordination and facilitation of Bike Avondale events and programmes, with support from volunteers. - The delivery of a 'Seniors who Cycle' programme, which connects rangatahi and young people with kaumatua and older people to provide them with the opportunity to go for bike rides and form social connections. - Annual budget for Bike Avondale events and marketing, including ongoing learn to ride programmes with local schools and innovative events to generate engagement with active transport (e.g. Matariki Night Ride). - A bike hub container to securely hold donated bikes, helmets and other items which are loaned, given away or used during various Bike Avondale programmes. |
$30,000 | |
Whakaupoko Landcare (West Franklin) Incorporated | Green Trails - Connecting Communities - Creating Biodiversity Corridors | This project seeks to continue development of the Franklin Green trails project providing opportunities for emissions reduction through active transport. Project activities will include: - Coordinating Trail building. - Help develop a safe Active Transport Trail connecting Pukekohe / Paerata with Patumahoe and on to Waiuku. The Green Trails will also connect from Patumahoe to the start of the Taihiki Estuary at the mouth of the Mauku Stream. - Help build the funding capacity. - Present a story of our journey across a range of media platforms. |
$10,000 | |
Interesting Things | Pathways Festival | Pathways Festival is a free community festival spread across and accessed by our bike paths. The festival includes live music, DJs, yoga, bike mechanics, chill spaces, food trucks and activities for tamariki including pop-up playgrounds, face painting, bouncy castles and free popcorn. Pathways Festival will contribute to culture and behaviour change - using a placemaking model to get people of all ages out and about by bike, encouraging people to change their habits so that we can avoid the worst impacts of climate change. |
$20,000 | |
Te Iti Kahurangi Kāhui Ako (c/-Onehunga High School) | Bikes for Loan in Schools | This project seeks to purchase bikes that can be loaned to students within the school cluster for a fixed period, under certain conditions and criteria for selection. The bikes will be loaned out to students for the purposes of using them to cycle to and from school. The expectation that students will use them regularly for this purpose will be part of the conditions of hire. This project seeks to reduce congestion and carbon emissions from students travelling to and from school by private vehicle. We want to increase the number of students choosing active transport to school. This has several benefits for students who take part including improved physical fitness, better mental health, students' brains better prepared for learning and students gaining more confidence and independence and able to attend class regularly and on time. Benefits for the environment from the actions of these students are reduced greenhouse gas emissions, reduced air pollution and congestion around school streets due to fewer car trips undertaken. Each student cycling to school is one less car on the road producing less congestion and carbon emissions. |
$35,000 | |
The Pride Project Charitable Trust | Website | Love Manurewa Cycle ways | This project seeks to hold three community activations similar to the previously successful 'Te Maara Bike Ride'. These are free, placemaking events which will inspire cycling, hauora/health and well-being through fun, physical and educational activity in the Manurewa community. The rides will feature a variety of shared paths on cycle ways showcasing the community infrastructure from a cycling perspective and promotion of more sustainable ways to travel, whilst learning some basic kupu and phrases in te reo Maori relevant to the activities. |
$3,200 |
Bike Auckland | Website |
Cycling Works Tāmaki Makaurau | This project is to run a 'Cycling Works' campaign, to engage business support for cycleways. The aim of this campaign is to show that employers want safe ways for their employees and customers to reach their place of business and that businesses are committed to low carbon travel options, as well as encouraging businesses to take actions towards sustainable transport options. The Cycling Works campaign will involve Bike Auckland connecting with businesses and business associations, encouraging them to commit to a 'cycling works' pledge, promoting them on social media, our website, and in media releases, and following up on their commitment with further actions they can take. This project will have the benefit of bringing bikes into greater visibility in a positive way, showing diverse support for low carbon transport options, painting a vision for positive change for our region, and encouraging customers and employees of the businesses to think about cycling for some of their transport. |
$7,812 |
Active Transport Trust | Website | Doing life by bicycle Te mahi ora ma te paihikara | This project will give more people access to trial using an Electric Cargo Bike and experiencing the ease of travel and cost savings that they can provide families through reducing car trip, petrol costs and time in traffic. | $9,000 |
Heather Lyall | Make the Change - Ride an E Bike | This project will supply an e bike which would be used by community groups in the Albert-Eden local area to provide people who have never had the chance to, or for those who are nervous about going into a bike shop, an opportunity to try an e bike in a familiar surrounding. We want to provide access and conversation about the time, climate and financial benefits of an e bike and demonstrate how life can work well with an E Bike instead of a car. |
$5,000 | |
Active Transport Trust | Website | Puketāpapa Riding Activation Programmes | This project is to deliver a range of riding activation programmes in the Puketāpapa local area. Programmes would include - Bike the Hood - youth focused events taking young people on guided rides to local venues. - Heels on Wheels- cycling workshops for women and girls. - Amazing Race - A cycling event at Keith Hay Park targeted at local community members (and their children) who do not usually ride. - eCargo Bike Family Picnics events aimed at families interested in using eCargo bikes as a substitute for a second, or in some cases, any cars. |
$3,500 |
Community / other
Applicant | Website / Social Media | Project | Description | Funding |
Six Generations | Website | Auckland Climate Festival | Support is provided to the 2023 Auckland Climate Festival which provides a platform for over 100 climate action events within the programme as well as a launch and close event. There is no other open platform that brings together all of society around climate action like this each year, which means that a lot of climate action is not well known about, siloed and inaccessible to many. This means we are not making enough coordinated action and we are falling short of being on the way to meet our targets as a city. The platform serves to amplify existing climate action taking place, educate, inspire and accelerate change. | $10,000 |
Auckland King Tides Initiative | Website | Auckland King Tides Initiative Live Lightly School/Community Workshop Delivery | This project involves the co-design/delivery of community workshops with Year 7-9 students/staff supporting the Auckland King Tides website/social media platform and water level (tide) gauge and CoastSnap network that can be monitored by local communities. Capturing and providing water level/beach monitoring data to the Auckland King Tides Initiative provides an opportunity for communities to learn about the causes and impacts of sea level rise on their coastline, and to identify and implement actions to adapt to sea level rise, and to mitigate future climate change impacts. | $10,000 |
Environment Hubs Aotearoa | Website | EcoFest 2023 | Support is provided to EcoFest 2023, a month-long festival held 18 March - 16 April 2023, coordinated by four environmental hubs and spanning the entire Auckland region. The hubs are united in their commitment to making a sustainable lifestyle a ‘normal’ choice all cultures, ages and demographics can access, embrace and enjoy. They will facilitate this by connecting with individuals, schools, organisations and businesses to host a diverse range of hands-on workshops, experiences, interactive workshops, showcasing opportunities and experiential activities that celebrate and restore our natural environment, build community resilience, and teach ways to reduce their impact on the environment. In particular, 2023 EcoFest will include events that increase knowledge of bike repairs, promote active modes of transport, teach strategies to reduce energy consumption, promote renewable energy, guide food sovereignty, demonstrate food rescue and cooking, teach low carbon diet changes, share mātauranga around kai and sustainable practices, and encourage culturally appropriate climate actions. |
$20,000 |
Dylan Chand under the umbrella of Generation Zero | Website | The Climate Action Conference | This project seeks to support youth-led climate action. A conference has been on the backburner since the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic, but now is the perfect opportunity to revitalise initiatives that encourage young people to step into leadership roles for climate action. The Climate Action Conference will offer high school students in Tāmaki Makaurau the opportunity to engage with hands-on workshops, speakers and panels to equip them with the skills required to initiate climate action projects. We hope these workshops and constructive advice will help to empower over 300 rangatahi to carry out low-carbon emitting projects in their schools, homes and communities. |
$15,000 |
Whau Pasifika Trust | Tauhi Va mo Kaitiaki | Tauhi Va mo Kaitiaki is a yearlong commitment by the Whau Pasifika Trust to live, work and communicate as kaitiaki of our environment and each other. Whau Pasifika Trust often comes back to Kaitiakitanga in our external facing projects. The project will place climate messages including active transport, sustainable food workshops and shared kai, energy efficiency workshops at the heart of the Whau Pasifika Trust school holiday programmes across our partner sites - Rosebank Kelston and Glen Avon Community Hubs running from January to October. |
$16,000 | |
A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand | Website | Eco Church NZ Project - Auckland Emissions Reduction Community Outreach | A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand will deliver Auckland community outreach activities through their Eco Church NZ project. This programme will include promotion and training of 360carbon - a carbon calculator tailored for church communities. The Eco Church NZ project supports church communities to be more sustainable and to take practical action for our environment and climate. The Eco Church project helps grow environmental leaders to be the next generation of kaitiaki through practical support and mentoring. A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand host relevant sustainability hui, practical wānanga, online kōrero sessions on topics with specialist speakers, one-on-one support, as well as providing emerging rangatahi leaders with pathways for further development and training through sustainability camps. |
$20,000 |
Community Waitākere Charitable Trust | Website | West Auckland community climate action and resilience | This project will support more activation and acceleration of our community engagement work, integrating existing community and environment programmes and contacts into climate change work. Community Waitākere focus on supporting community, pacific and Māori-led responses to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and to build community resilience to climate impacts that is socially just. Climate change activation is a key outcome for all our work across community development, environmental education and restoration. |
$7,000 |
Waiuku Zero Waste Ltd | Website | Toward a Zero Carbon Community | Waiuku Zero Waste Limited seeks to expand work delivered through the current community recycling centre to include more climate action messages. Funding will support engagement of a technical expert in climate change to develop learning resources and climate change workshops to be delivered alongside complimentary workshops such as Repair Cafes, sustainability initiatives, local expos, school workshops, holiday programmes, community events; including upskilling staff around what we can do to reduce emissions. | $10,000 |
Auranga Residents’ Association | Website | Auranga community projects | Auranga is a new residential development located in Drury, South Auckland. At the moment, Auranga has 230 occupied houses and expect 3000 houses by the end of the development. This project supports various initiatives within the community including a community learning garden and school garden at Ngākōroa School | $2,000 |
For the Love of Bees | Website |
Tāmaki Makaurau Earthworker Online Mentoring & Targeted Centres of Restorative Learning.(CoRL) support | This project provides online mentoring and support to a network of 114 earthworkers across Tāmaki Makaurau and provide targeted support to the Ihumātao māra kai to become a Center of Restorative Learning. | $6,000 |
Karekare Landcare | Website |
Grow Karekare | This project seeks to create a community garden network at Karekare addressing food security issues highlighted during cyclone Gabrielle when multiple landslides cut off the access to Karekare. | $4,000 |
Te Kura Kaupapa Māori o Te Kōtuku | Huringa Āhuarangi | This project includes the kura running Meat-free Friday, Āhuarangi wānanga and Kotahi Mano Rākau community orchard hui. As part of Meat-Free Friday the kura will be educating tamariki and whanau about the benefits of a vegetarian diet, changing our food suppliers to a vegetarian-only meals on Fridays and bringing whanau on board to eat meat-free meals on Friday. Āhuarangi wānanga will include tamariki to present their climate projects to the wider kura whanau. Through Kotahi Mano Rākau, the kura would like to support the community to become more resilient and to grow more kai locally, thus reducing our carbon footprints and allowing communities to mahitahi/ work together for the benefit of the community. We will host a hui at our kura to introduce our concept of Kotahi Mano Rākau – 1,000 fruit and rongoa trees planted at whānau homes. |
$3,000 | |
Oak and Thistle Ltd | Website |
Seasonal Plant Based Meals for Climate Change | The project covers the delivery of community workshops on creating seasonal and affordable plant-based meals. Workshops will be held across Auckland teaching people easy recipes and tips to make small changes. | $3,000 |