Auckland Council

A youth leader to Master of Environmental Management- the value of experiential education.

Back in 2015 Joanna Tao was in her second year of attending our Sustainable Schools Teams’ Young Leaders Programme. 

Joanna was (and still is) a bubbly, intelligent, passionate person, making her the perfect fit for the 'returning leader' role. This role involved overseeing a group of first-time attending ākonga, taking on lead roles during the wananga, and contributing to the organisation of the wānanga. The focus of the event was upskilling Year 10-13 ākonga across Tāmaki Makaurau in various areas of sustainability and empowering them to create and drive their own action projects back at school.

Now, in 2023, Joanna has just graduated a Master of Environmental Management from the University of Auckland, with her thesis "re-thinking financial incentives for electric vehicles (EV) in New Zealand". She is now working with us in Auckland Council as a Wastewise Advisor for the Community Wastewise Team.

For us in the Sustainable Schools team, it’s truly rewarding to have been part of Joanna’s journey, from supporting her in high school to now working alongside her. Ka rawe Joanna! Well done! We look forward to seeing you continue to lead sustainability action.

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